Monday, March 14, 2011

Mamavation monday

This mamavation Monday post is about workout times. Since we just had to spring forward and I am still feeling the effects of that I am so super duper sleepy. Anyway, I like to workout in the mornings after I drop Aidan off at school. I usually hit up the local 24hr fitness since they have a kids club for the twins where they can play and be out of the way and I don't worry because I know there are other kiddos there and adults to make sure they are ok. So I usually workout based on who is teaching the classes I like most then I plan my week out. And just in case I forget since I am a blond with 4 kiddos to tend to so I suffer from Momnesia (yea its a real condition look it up if you don't believe me), I program my phone to set off an alarm 60 minutes before the class so there are no excuses for me missing a workout. Now if the kids are feeling under the weather and I cant make the gym, I simply have a backup class planned for when Jason can tend to the kids. Mornings are also awesome for the kids to hit up the local parks here because they are full of energy, and are in need of sunshine. But now we have daylight savings time, Jason and I can take a walk to the park after he gets home and the kids can get nice and tired by riding their trikes and scooters or bikes to the park and Jason and I can walk with them since they are not fast riders yet.

So here is my question for you: What do you do to keep your workout routines going and what is your favorite time of day to get your workout on? I also log my workouts on my beach body page because there is money to be won every day just for working out! how cool is that? head over to my page on and check out my fitness journey so far and while you are there you can join the beach body community where you can use the WOWY super gym and try to win money for just logging in your workouts. I am going to tell you up front that I am a beach body coach and I do sell the products but my mail focus is making sure people get healthy and if you want my products great and if not that is ok too. It is all about helping others lead a healthy lifestyle

“This post is sponsored by SEARS FitStudio and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation and sponsored by Sears.”

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Before and After pics up til Feb 19th 2011

here is what i looked like in April of 2009

And this is my updated pic as of Feb 19th 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mamavation monday Feb 21 2011

OK so now that i have been taken out of the campaign I feel ok about posting to the blog. Sorry I have been MIA for a couple weeks but a girl has to lick her wounds and take up a few TKB classes to get the anger out! So this week's blogging carnival question is : Question: What motivates you to get going and what keeps you going?

Well what motivates me are my kids and husband to get me going to the gym when i feel like slacking off of my workouts. What is funny is my husband will push me out of the house with keys and my gym bag and told me something like if you dont get to the gym, you have to clean the kitchen (which is thrashed because he makes a mess when he cooks) I gladly leave the house to get away from the insanity of 4 kids ranging in ages 2-12 years old plus the husband. you would think getting some ME time would be a driving force all on its own but sadly no. What keeps me motivated? knowing that my body is shrinking keeps me motivated because I have a ton of cute clothes that i have finally been able to wear and they have been in a box since my first trimester with the twins. Also knowing that i am on my way to a healthier new me is something that keeps me motivated. What is funny is my son has autism and in school they have been talking about how sugar turns to bubbly fat. So we were at fresh and easy market for the grand opening celebration and we walked down an aisle where there was a overweight person like over 300lbs and he had to open his mouth and say sugar turns to bubbly fat! Yeah i wanted to hide under a bag of rice or something because i was so embarassed! I DIE! But my son keeps me motivated too because he told me I was fat! My son has no filter due to his disability but sometimes i think its a gift in disguise because i do not want him so say that about me. I want him to be proud of his mom winning the battle of the bulge and not becoming a statistic. So I am leaving you with the same question to answer: What gets you motivated and what keeps you motivated?
Also make sure you check out this website for some tips on workouts. I have a nice eliptical trainer from sears fitstudio that i love to hate because it works my booty off literally and i am very grateful they gave it to me thanks again to Sears fitstudio!
“This post is sponsored by SEARS FitStudio and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation and sponsored by Sears.” at the bottom of your post.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mamavation monday!

Thank you to those of you who tweeted for me and if you want to follow my journey go to and find my posts i use my twitter name @katecoleman77 for the subject lines which are my food journal for each day of this 7 weeks. And if you want to see my first post of the week go to and you can see all of the mamavation mamas for campaign 7 i am there at the bottom of the page.

So todays mamavation monday post was all about: How are you getting more fiber in your diet this New Year?

This year i am getting more fiber in my diet by eating more veggies and fruits full in fiber like Broccoli, Asparagus, and apples. i want to start trying out the fiber enriched foods like the fiber plus cereals and waffles. they look yummilicious, check it out for yourself

“I’m writing this post as an entry to a blogging carnival sponsored by Fiber Plus. I will be receiving free product in return.”

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Checking in.

I cant wait! I am about to embark on a fitness journey and my blog is taking off! I am new at this blogging about me stuff, kind of new to blogging in general so I went to my blog today and saw a flood of comments and after reading them, I find that I am not the only momma who forgets breaky in the am! I am seriously touched by all the support you fabulous ladies are giving me on twitter and on here. YOU guys rock!

So this week how did i do with my goals?? Well I ate breaky every day but one day because that was my day everything was late, my son was late to school, i was late to the gym, but after my class i did eat the oatmeal i brought with me. I did not get enough h20 on friday but I did the rest of the week for sure. i think i need a new big water bottle to ensure i take in my h20. And i did not get to one piyo, zumba or hot hula class but i did push myself harder and boy i felt it especially after Chalenes turbo kick class followed by hustle. So I will have a lot of new goals this week but you will have to stay tuned for my Mamavation Monday post to see it :)

By the way if you want to know about hot hula here is the info somtimes my links are not showing up for some weird reason so cut and paste this into your browser .

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mamavation monday!

This week has been a week for me to be accountable and believe me it was hard but it is time for me to be honest with myself. I believe i am not working hard enough or I need to change up my turbo routine as my body is getting used to the current round the instructors are doing.

MY goals this week are:

1. drink my water! i am guilty of not drinking enough water! i want to drink 96oz a day to ensure my metabolism does not get messed up and I do not work out for no reason
2. To hit the gym more this week and to push harder in my turbo classes as I do not believe i am working hard enough and to hit the piyo class, zumba or hot hula to get in some different stuff to change it up
3. not to eat fast food at all unless its subway and if i eat subway i have to get one of the healthier options for a sub
4. no skipping meals! I tend to not eat breakfast because i am in a hurry to get my son to school on time and then I come back from taking him to school to play with the twins and clean the mess from breakfast.

Have you ever been injured when you start a new exercise routine? Well if you have not, you are very lucky.

I have been injured when I decide to take the bull by the horns and get certified in Turbo Kick and Hip Hop Hustle and not only did I get certified to teach the classes but I did two 8 hr trainings, two days in a row. Yea I was nuts! So the day after the two intense days of training I decided to hit up Chalene Johnson's Hustle class and we did this move we call the matrix and I felt my quad have this sharp pain and I knew I pulled it! So for two weeks I could not go to the gym and boy did it make me feel so lazy not able to go to my classes and not even take the kids anywhere because my leg hurt so bad. I would soak my muscle in epsom salt and use ben gay which reaks like senior citizens, I was told by a trainer to get tiger balm because the smell was not as strong and it worked better than ben gay. UMMMM it reaks worse but it worked for me. After I felt better, I was so happy to change my bedding to get the reak out!

Why is it we do not go out to eat again?

Well tonight jason and i thought it would be ok to take three of the kids out with us to Chili's for dinner to use our coupons and gift cards we had. Little did we know that it was going to be a big huge mistake!

Dinner started out alright but Maddie dumped her cup of chocolate milk on the table by tilting her head back to ensure she got every last drop of milk. Then after we put it in the sippy cup, she then decided she did not want the sippy but then gave up and started to drink it then swished the milk in her mouth spitting it onto her sisters booster seat. ewwwwwww! yea that was classic. When the food came Aidan started getting uncomfortable because he wanted some bbq sauce for his corn dog not ketchup. While we were waiting for the bbq sauce, his sister Abbie took his menu then Aidan snatches it back leaving Abbie to scream bloody murder making a scene then the snatching of the paper continues for a while while the screaming and melt downs by both kids and i wanted to leave. in my head i was sinking down my in my seat wishing I could be invisible. Finally the kids settled down leaving us to enjoy our dinner, but for the most part i never want to take the kids to dinner for a long time. We were instantly reminded why we do not take all the kids to dinner with us.

Life with twins is hard enough but add one autistic boy into that mix who does not want to share and if his sisters take something of his that can be replaced such as the kids meal menu, it does not matter he wants the one he had from the beginning of the night even if its the same menu, its not the same to him. Share some strategies with me on how to handle the situation without wanting to hide under the table or want to run from the restaurant and never want to eat there again because i think they will remember me.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wow Today i worked hard

I took turbo kick today taught by the talented Chalene Johnson! I love her class but today my friend Joel told me to move up to the front row well it was almost the front row because I am fierce! I said no way! well that was the last spot left so I was stuck! If you do not know who Chalene Johnson is you need to google it because she is in all the infomercials asking you to get fit with her programs turbo jam, chalene extreme and turbo fire! SO its a bit overwhelming being up front in her class because you need to bring it! So I brought it! My friend Joel was high fiving me the whole class and then I turned around and mirrored him so I can practice for when I audition for 24 hr fitness and i thought it was going to be hard to mirror but it was so easy! it was a rush too because i could see my friend getting tired and I just said you are not tired! you can keep going! Do not give up! yea the inner instructor waiting to come out of me just started motivating my friend and it was great! I then took the hip hop hustle afterward and it was so fun! I then took the kids to the grocery store to get some lunch meat for sandwiches, we came home had lunch and the kids were wanting to watch toy story three so i was like ok. i put the movie on for them in their room and then I sat on teh couch to watch the news and i woke up to inside edition and that comes on @ 330 and i was watching the 2pm news. I have not napped since i was prego with my twins. it felt good but tonight i am hitting the hay early!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mamavation mom! I applied

"Hey @bookieboo! I want @KATECOLEMAN77 to be the next #Mamavation Mom. She has my support!"

I really want to be able to have the experience in becoming the next Mamavation mom. What is a mamavation mom you ask? here is the infomation from the website on what i want to embark on:

Mamavation Moms lose weight in a boot camp experience without having to leave the home. They are set up with free fitness equipment, a solid support group, and professional resources to do so. As they are learning healthy living and losing weight they live their lives on a stage for seven weeks. The campaign becomes a virtual docudrama with real challenges and victories as they become the stars of the campaign. To become a Mamavation Mom, an application needs to be complete, then 5 women are selected as finalists. Those finalists go up for a public vote and the two winners are announced during the Twitter Launch Party on January 17th.

Anyone who applies to the campaign is given the opportunity to take part in the Mamavation community AND are automatically entered into the Move It & Lose It Challenge sponsored by Earth Footwear where they can win $500 and a pair of shoes.

You must first have the following qualifications and adhere to a couple of rules to apply.

Here are the dates for the next campaign:

Applications: December 15th to January 5th
Voting: January 10th to January 17th
Mamavation Moms announced at Mamavation Launch Party: January 17th from 5-7pm PST/8-10pm EST
Campaign #7: January 17th to March 4th

Stop! You must complete a video application answering this question, “Why do you want to be the next Mamavation Mom AND what will YOU do to inspire other moms online?” Please keep your responses to under four minutes. As soon as you are finished, upload the video to YouTube and tag it “mamavation”, then post the video in your blog with a description of the campaign.

After you have submitted your application, show me you are a serious contender. I want to see you ALREADY living a healthy active lifestyle and sharing that in the #mamavation hashtag. You also need to show me you have support from your friends online. You will need to lean on them some days, so show me they exist and that you ALREADY have a network of friends that care about you. Have them tweet at me the following message,

“Hey @bookieboo! I want (@insertyourIDhere) to be the next #Mamavation Mom. She has my support!”

For the people you know who are only on Facebook, have them post on the Mamavation Facebook Fan page and tell me why they think your would make a good Mamavation Mom.

Notifying your family and friends and getting them to support your application is a very important step. Regardless of the outcome of your application, it ensures that the people around you know you have made a step toward healthy living. Whether you become a finalist or not, they will hold you to your pledge of wanting to live healthy. (Btw, the more they tweet and facebook, the more I know they are in your corner.)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy new year all!

I am now a beach body coach! wohooooo! i have so much to tell you guys! I got certified to teach TKB and Hip hop hustle at any workout facility I can get a job! woot woot! So yea you want to know my beach body link? for all your health needs and inspiration! This is the year I get better at setting my goals and following my dreams. What are your new years resolutions? i have my list up on my facebook page but if you are not on there yet here is the list:

1. Build my beach body business

2. Finish my real estate license by taking the damn exam! (i know some people love this one) i am scared of the test and Chalene has told me to face my fears head on and not let them deter me so this is going to be crossed off my list by the end of 2011

3. Get an audition at 24hr fitness! So i can teach hip hop hustle and turbo kick. i have the certs i need to use them to motivate and inspire those who were like me and afraid to take a group x class. That was the best thing i have ever done in my life for my health and i have made so many friends because of it.

4. Get Aidan a go kart! he will be a NASCAR driver if you ask him and if we dont get him into karting that wont happen. It is a very expensive sport so i have to do something to make the cash to get him closer to his dreams. just because he has autism does not mean he can't do it! NEVER SAY NEVER! AND I WILL NOT LET MONEY OR CIRCUMSTANCE STAND IN THE WAY OF HIS DREAMS!

5. Start saving for a house we need a 2 plus den or loft or even a 3 bedroom! WE NEED A HOUSE!

6. Stop feeling sorry for myself and get my head out of my @$$!

7. lose 25lbs

8. inspire those around me to DO MORE


10. keep my blog going on my life not just product review :)

11. whatever else i can think of

happy new year everyone and just to let you know this is going to be my blog addy as the word press one i deleted

let me know your resolutions :)